Sunday, September 28, 2008

Secret Garden Two...(I mean chap. two)

Hallo thar. I will now tell you people about chapter two of The Secret Garden. I hope you like it. :) Anyway, in chapter two, titled Mistress Mary Quite Contrary, Mary is taken to the English clergyman's house, where the kids started singing " Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells,and marigolds all in a row." And then at the end of the week, she got sent to Mr. Archibald Craven. She was glad to leave Basil and the other children, and I do think that was because of that silly song. She had to have wondered what her uncle was like. Anyway, that's all of chapter two shortened into one blog post. I'll let you know about chapter three in a separate post, ok? BYE! :)

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