Friday, December 24, 2010


ITS CHRISTMAS EVE! YAAAHHHH! >.> a squirrel just ate a guys head. thats ok bcause me and the squirrel r frieeends. I have a huge box downstairs and i wanna open it, but mommy and daddy won't let meh open it. sadness. anyway ppl, merry xmas, and a happy new year! :D

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


If you all noticed, the title is yelling at you. It is yelling HAPPY XMAS! and all that crap. also, i am gonna try and make YouTube vids, if angela gets a camera or something. oh, and me and angela are trying to fix my website,, and its bein a butt. its going to be run by me and angela, so we will be the mods. its gonna have games, chat rooms, and that sorta stuff, as well as links to different sites. Such as:,, and others.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOOM SONG!!!!!!!!!!! GiR!!!!!!!!! INVADER ZIM!!!!!!!! DINOSAURS!!!!!! FREEP!!!!!! CERDS!!!!!!!! KILLJOY!!!! i feel high.....