Sunday, September 7, 2008

hi, I like to read long chapter books. harry potter, and others. thats all for now, bye!



Nettie said...

Ooooh, I love the HP books! I've read them and re-read them and re-read them!

Have you tried Diana Wynn Jones at all? Not as long but she's a great writer, targeted at about the same audience, I've been reading her since I was about 13. Black Maria and Howl's Moving Castle are my faves :)

Heather said...

No Nettie, I'm pretty sure I haven't read those yet, but I'll play spy kid and try to figure out where they are, otay? :)

Shawna said...

Translation for my weird daughter:

No, she hasn't read any of those books yet, but will put them on her list of books/authors to watch for. :)

Jaycee said...

Jaycee says...
Yaaaaaa, Heather look @ what
your mom said! te he,he,he,he
Yours till the Earth explodes(falls),
Jaycee aka (Zoey,Crystal,Diamond,Ashayla,Hevan,& so on)

Heather said...

By Howl do you mean Castle In The Sky Howl?!?!?!?!? If you do, SWEET! if not, Darn.I LUUUV castle in the sky. Also have you ever watched Rahxephon? (pronounced Raw-zef-on)I LOVE that is.AWESOME! BUH BYE, EVERY BAWDY