Wednesday, July 20, 2011


YAY summer, and weird random posts. also, my dog is just licking the coffee table. don't know why. he just is. *UPDATE* I also love giant blue popsicles ^w^ I originally was supposed to use this for books during homeschool. I almost never talked about books later on in my posts. if you like me, you should go to a blog called hyperbole and a half. just, promise you'll come back, ok? also, my think for making links for places is broken. Oh, I already said that. well, here's a picture that may or may not be on the top of this post. *another update* well, it's on top. weird. oh well, I get 2 points for an awesome picture. also, for cookies. BWAHAHAHA dinosaur. wow, i DON'T know what that was. *update 3* my cousin just got here. we will surely rule this half of the interwebs now >:3 well, bye, I guess

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